Saturday, August 1, 2009

Homeopathy and clinical research

Homeopathy and clinical research

Now a day’s all pharmaceutical companies are doing clinical research medicine. They are according with their principles and practice of medicine. And they are doing research in other alternative systems of medicine. But with that they are getting opposite results to those systems. Why?

In homeopathy we have certain principle to treat the diseased persons.

The homeopathic principles are

• Law of Similia
• Law of Simplex
• Law of Minimum
• Doctrine of Drug Proving
• Theory of Chronic Disease
• Theory of Vital Force
• Doctrine of Drug-Dynamisation

But in clinical research work on homeopathy they are not considering these principles. For example when we take one disease like asthma they are giving homeopathic drugs randomizing and blinding way. But according to homeopathic principles we have to individualize every patient according with his symptoms. For this reason they are not getting positive results.
In homeopathy when we want to do research as per principles we have to individualize every patient and not to take as disease aspects it will not give any positive results and when we take disease aspect give one remedy and collect all the symptoms and compare with previous symptoms list.

Take lab results as prognostic way. In homeopathy don’t take placebo control trials. It will not give positive results. Because when we give placebo it will not produce symptoms in patients so it will not give any data.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Baryta Mur

Baryta Mur
The different salts of Baryta are called for in organic lesions of the aged and dwarfish, both mentally and physically. Arteriosclerosis and cerebral affections due to this condition. Headaches, but without acute crisis, occurring in old people; heaviness rather than pain. Vertigo, due to cerebral anaemia and noises in ears. Acts on lower alimentary canal, especially rectum; on muscles and joints, giving stiffness and weakness as from over walking. The white blood corpuscles increased. Hypertension and vascular degeneration. Increased tension of pulse. Arteriosclerosis (Aurum, Secale) where a high systolic pressure with a comparatively low diastolic tension is attended by cerebral and cardiac symptoms.This remedy has indurated and Narrowing of the cardiac orifice with pain, immediately after eating, and epigastric tenderness, which has been repeatedly verified, also its use in Aneurism and chronic hypertrophy of the tonsils. Nymphomania and satyriasis. Convulsions. In every form of mania when the sexual desire is increased. Icy coldness of body, with paralysis. Multiple sclerosis of brain and cord. Voluntary muscular power gone but perfectly sensible. Paresis after influenza and diphtheria. General feeling of lassitude in the morning, especially weakness of the legs, with muscular stiffness. Children who go around with their mouth open and who talk through the nose. Stupid-appearing, hard of hearing.RelationshipsCompare in sclerotic degenerations, especially of spinal cord, liver and heart. Plumbum met And Iod. Also Aurum mur ( which will often accomplish more in sclerotic and exudative degenerations than other remedies. Multiple sclerosis, fulgurating pains, tremors, Morvan’s disease, hypertrophy of fingers.)
expectoration; mucous;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; dull, sluggish;
mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; imbecility;
mind; insanity; erotic;
eye; discoloration; redness;
eye; inflammation; glandular swellings;
Whizzing and buzzing
ear; discharges from ear;
Inflates middle ear on blowing nose.
Offensive otorrhoea
Parotids swollen
Earache; better sipping cold water
Noises on chewing and swallowing, or sneezing
face; inflammation; indurated (hard from inflammation); submaxillary gland (gland by neck, under jaw); ;
face; pain; submaxillary gland (gland by neck, under jaw); ;
face; swelling; parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe); hard;
face; swelling; submaxillary gland (gland under jaw, by throat); ;
face; inflammation; submaxillary gland (gland by neck, under jaw); ;
mouth; dryness;
throat; discoloration; redness; uvula (lobe at back of mouth); ;
throat; external throat; swelling; cervical glands (on side of neck); ;
throat; external throat; glands indurated (hard from inflammation); like knotted cords;
throat; external throat; glands indurated (hard from inflammation);
throat; swelling; tonsils; from fluid build-up;
throat; swelling; tonsils; ;
throat; tonsils suppurating (producing pus);
throat; elongated uvula (lobe at back of mouth); ;
Tonsils enlarged
throat; inflammation; tonsils; tonsils indurated (hard from inflammation);
Difficult swallowing
Paresis of pharynx and eustachian tubes, with sneezing and noises
Tubes feel too wide open.
abdomen; stomach; indigestion;
abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); frequent (see urination, frequent);
abdomen; hard;
Stomach; Gone feeling at epigastrium a good guiding symptom for it in chronic affections
Retching and vomiting
Sensation of heat ascending to head.
Throbbing (Selen).
Induration of pancreas; abdominal aneurism
Inguinal glands swollen
Spasmodic pain in rectum.
rectum; pain; soreness;
rectum; constipation; difficult stool;
Great increase in uric acid, diminution of chlorides.
genitals; male; sexual passion; increased;
Arteriosclerosis of the lung, thus in senile asthma, modifies the arterial tension.
Bronchial affections of old people with cardiac dilation
Facilitates expectoration
Great accumulation and rattling of mucus with difficult expectoration
cough; dry cough; chronic, dry cough; in children with tuberculosis; ;
cough; in children; dry cough; in children with tuberculosis;
chest; catarrh;
chest; inflammation; bronchial tubes (bronchitis); ;
perspiration; odour; offensive;
skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema;
generalities; convulsions; epileptic;
generalities; inflammation; indurated (hard from inflammation); glands; ;
generalities; inflammation; indurated (hard from inflammation); glands; like knotty ropes;
generalities; inflammation; glands; ;
generalities; swelling; glands; ;
generalities; swelling; glands; like knotted cords;
generalities; swelling; glands; painful;

Friday, February 6, 2009

Remedies Related to Pathological Tissue Changes

Remedies Related to Pathological Tissue Changes
Provings of remedies are not continued to the extent of producing tissue alterations-indurations, infiltrations, suppuration, caries, etc. Most of the indications for the use of remedies in these conditions must be learned clinically; from the use of remedies in patients when these conditions have developed. When a remedy has been prescribed for a patient in whom tissue-changes have occurred, the prescription being based on the symptom-image, resolution of the existing tissue-changes has occurred, as a result of the reaction to the remedy. These become reliable clinical symptoms of the remedy: demonstrations of the power of the remedy over the altered tissue. These remedies are then recognised to be suited to constitutions in which these pathological changes can develop. Hence they are as important to the prescriber as though they had appeared actually in the proving.
In many instances such cure of pathology has occurred as a delightful surprise to the physician, who realizes in this evidence the accuracy of the prescription, which not only restored the functional activities but altered the nutrition to the extent of removing the products of disorder.
The difficulty in prescribing for patients with such altered tissue - cataract, hepatization (in pneumonia), induration of glands, arterio-sclerosis, fibroids, cancer, etc. - rests in the fact that when these tissue-changes occur, the symptoms on which a prescription should be based - the symptoms of the patient - have disappeared. The symptoms present at the time are symptoms of the pathology. If the symptoms that preceded this condition can be learned, and considered together with the later results of disorder - the pathological tissue - it may be possible to select a remedy that is sufficiently related to both the patient and his pathology, to effect a cure of both, provided always that the reaction and vitality of the patient are sufficient to permit the resolution.
Caust., Graph., Lyc., Nit-Ac., Staph., Thuja and many other remedies relate to excrescences. Skin indurations are met by Ant-C., Calc., Con., Lyc., Phos., Rhus., Sep., Sil., Sulph. and similar remedies. Indurated glands find suitable remedies in Ben-Ac., Brom., Calc., Calc-F. and remedies of similar depth, while such remedies as Caust., Bry., Con., Kali-C., and Lyc. are found suited to muscle indurations.
Acon., Bapt., Gels., Ipec. and remedies of this scope have never been known to produce any alteration by induration and infiltration, hence the wise prescriber will not select these remedies for patients with the aforementioned conditions, when he has those, from which to select, which are preeminently related to the exact condition present. The final selection of a remedy, when these conditions are present, is to be determined by the character of symptoms that preceded, or what may be present and indicative of the patient himself.
In pneumonia, in hepatization period, when the symptoms point to Arsenicum, the patient will die if Arsenicum is prescribed, for this remedy is not deep enough to include that infiltration: Sulphur, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Calcarea, etc., must take up the work where Arsenicum could not proceed. One of these remedies will clear out the lungs, in a few hours, with a disappearance of all the symptoms dependent upon the infiltration, and the patient, freed of the burden, will be restored to health promptly, instead of succumbing to the mechanical interference and consequent air-starvation.
In arterio-sclerosis, in cataract, in induration of liver or other glandular structures, the same principle holds. Ars., Bry., Puls. and other short and mediumly-short-acting remedies are insufficient because they have not power to take hold of this condition, while Silica, Calcarea Fluorica, Sulphur and such deep-acting remedies have been known to remove the tissue change by their deeper action, hence more similar, and from them one may be selected which will prove curative.
By reference to the repertory the prescriber may find remedies which have thus been established as suitable for suppuration, those suited for cancer, those suited for tuberculosis, those related to apoplexy, etc., and as an intelligent prescriber, the physician should select a remedy for the patient similar to the condition of the ultimated disorder. This is totally different from prescribing on the pathology alone, or seeking a specific for the name of the ultimate, regardless of the patient.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sulphur Constitutional Type

Sulphur Constitutional Type
The mental, emotional, and physical make-up of a "sulphur" is discussed in this article (sulphur: sol = sun, ferre = to carry). When a trained classical homeopath helps a person with an illness, they normally look for signs of the patients "constitutional remedy". What is a constitutional remedy?
From the time of conception you take into consideration the inherited traits from your parents and ancestors. Not only physical traits, but disease imprints, and mental, spiritual, and emotional traits. Trauma is inherited not only during conception but via the fetus forming. So, it is the totality of all symptoms of the patient; this makes one's constitution. To match this constitutional type with a homeopathic remedy that is similar in "personality" is a difficult task. Sometimes it may be obvious, but not always. (There are thousands of homeopathic remedies that have specific personalities.) The patients obvious traits are sometimes tainted by miasmatic layers of a chronic disease. These need to be homeopathicaly removed (like peeling an onion layer by layer). Out of the thousands to choose from, sulphur is the most extreme in intellectual abilities. Sulphur patients have unusualy gifted mental abilities from the day they are born. Some sulphurs are: Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Samuel Hahnemann, Abraham Lincoln, and Socrates.
Among our great leaders, inventors, scientists, gurus, and mathematicians, there have been many sulphurs. The scholar, the creative genius, the eccentric, the impulsive artist; all have minds that flow profusely into metaphysics, theories, and equations. All are famous for answering in long-winded sentences.
A great example is the book called "The Organon" written by S. Hahnemann. Hahnemann calls sulphur "the king of antipsorics". Sulphur types are philosophers, deep in thought and oblivious to the simple physical life they live. As Einstein was, his wife had to do everything for him. He had to be fed, dressed, etc.; his head being "in the clouds". Sulphurs live in a world of imagination. They are blind to all the material things of today.
Personally, I am focused on the sulphur constitutional type due to the fact that when I think back in my own life, my mentors, great teachers, and inspirational people have all been sulphurs. It is always those that stood out, making a dent in society. I have great respect for the eccentric sulphurs because of their many contributions to my life. Up until now, I have only met male sulphurs. It is well known that there are very few female sulphurs in existence. Sulphurs need a lot of emotional, mental, and physical room due to restless and nervous energy (like the flammable element sulphur.)
The greatest egos come from the sulphur type, but this is the motivating force that keeps him mobile, stimulated, focused, and driven. Such great leaders are self motivated and do not look to follow another but set the pace for others to follow. This intense ego, if imbalanced, is destructive, obsessive, irritable, insecure, negative, and a hypocondriac. To criticize an unbalanced sulphur is volatile. You cannot argue with a sulphur type due to the strong will and obstinate personality combined within a dictionary of wuick witted vocabulary words. So here, you have the two basic extremes of polarity.
Emotional and mental states of imbalance cause organic derangements in the physical realm. Sulphur is impatient with those around him. Always on the move, full of brilliant ideas, alchemists call sulphur "the heat and force of everything." In homeopathy, sulphur is used to push out symptoms ("bring to maturity"). For example: clearing up skin imbalances due to suppressive topical lotions, or suppressive emotional and mental imbalance; a phenomenon that happens when the vibration of the homeopathic sulphur remedy neutralizes the vibration of the disease.
All of one's traits become "real" under stress of an emotion. When a sulphur is suppressed, mentally and emotionally the unconscious side of them makes an appearance. The alter ego sets in; its spirits, its demons (Lucifer), and its flaws all become visible. This is when it is easy to detect a sulphur. The worst thing to do to a sulphur is to cause sufficating suppression of any type. To suppress their imagination, creativity, ego, and spirit will degenerate a sulphur's fire. The physical body becomes full of discomforts and starts to adapt to its miserable situation, becoming ill with disease, irritable and difficult to live with.
1. Sulphur is an extremely hot blooded person. Warm hands and feet; always kicks off blankets. 2. Nervous, lean, eccentric looking.
3. You can spot a sulphur in a crowd due to his unruly long hair, and outgoing selection of clothing (sometimes wearing the same clothes week after week.)
4. Sits in a chair with his entire body involved.
5. Paces the floor, cannot stand still in one spot.
6. Cannot wear wool clothing, gets super itchy.
7. Health complaints are always relapsing.
8. Noon and midnight are the worst aggravations for sulphurs.
9. It has to be "his idea", not someone elses.
10. Reads a lot of books, retaining everything.
11. Can teach a class better than the instructor.
12. A sulphur "scholar" does not worry about his physical appearance.
13. Messy house does not matter to sulphur. He is indifferent.
14. Offensive body odors.
15. Intolerance of artificial heaters indoors. They make him "stuffy".
16. Chronic skin eruptions (eczema, dry itchy psoriasis, boils, and acne.)
17. Lots of anxiety. Dislike of criticism, suppression, and being scorned.
18. Embarassment is extremely humiliating.
19. Much struggling for ego and honor.
20. Sulphur "idealists" are usually dogamatic and cannot be swayed.
21. Absent minded "professor" type, neglecting practical aspects of their lives.
22. Sulphurs make excellent teachers.
23. Sulphurs want to do things whenever they want to, not when told to.
24. Known for drinking large amounts of alcohol.
25. Charming to the opposite sex. Many sulphurs are womanizers.
26. Having many partners. Openly flirting with women, but hopelessly dependent on their wives, emotionally and practically.
27. Sulphurs are great in promoting themselves.
28. Lots of self confidence, gifted and enterprising.
29. Preferring self employment. Likes his independence and freedom.
30. Has knowledge of a broad range of subjects, highly intellectual.
31. Most have no formal education and are self taught (born an intellectual genius.)
32. Sulphurs like an audience.
33. Sulphurs do not care about being socially acceptable.
34. Relates to all walks of life, young and old.
35. Individualist, independent.
36. Childish persona.
37. Lots of self confidence, boasting about his achievements.
38. When it comes to a goal or passion, sulphur dives into it 1000%, whether it is a negative obsession or work related project.
39. Protective of his family, the wife is "queen" in his eyes.
40. Sulphur feels like a child of the universe.
41. Often unbearable to live with, cynical and feeling sorry for themselves causing insecurities. 42. Becoming aloof, guarded, and with a self doubt.
43. Worries about the future.
44. Revels in argument or anecdote.

Twelve Basic Personality Types

Twelve Basic Personality Types

Homeopathic Archetypes: Six Genotypes, and Six Phenotypes
Homeopathic practitioners have long described their medicines ("remedies") by the "picture" they represent. Most of the literature commonly available about homeopathic remedies presents the negative aspects seen in illness. However there is a growing body of writing that talks about the personality and its attributes in a healthy state as well as under stress or attack by Disease.

This information can be very helpful in a person becoming more comfortable with their personality.

There is a progression from Emotion-centered to Intellect-centered types:

Sulphur/ Pulsatilla/ Phosphorus/ Calcarea/ Lycopodium/ Silica.

These have been grouped into two "families"

1. The Sulphur Family (Sulphur/ Lycopodium / Calcarea carbonica) -- which I understand to be more earthy/emotional, and,

2.The Silica Family (Silicea/ Pulsatilla/ Phosphorus) -- which I understand to be more spiritual/intellectual.

Under stress these decompensate into the following 6 (called "Phenotypes"):

"Stasis Neurosis" (Sepia/ Staphysagria/ Lachesis) -- "blockage of energy from the suppressive impingement of the environment", censure from others, etc., and,

"Psycho-Neurosis" (Arsenicum/ Natrum muriaticum/ Nux vomica) -- Reich's psychoneurosis: "blockage of energy stemming from internal prohibitions, termed repression".

Genotypes: Sketches of the homeopathic personality types

These contain only a fraction of the details that could be given.

The "online" links include illness-focused descriptions. For more uplifting observations of the homeopathic types in Health, see the books mentioned above.

Sulphur Family:

Sulphur: (From the element Sulphur) Strong, hot, fiery personality, generous in giving out energies and money. When stressed or ill may show self-aggrandizement, over-taxing his/her ability to give, become dirty, smelly, disorganized. Would rather rip off a button than deal with a challenging buttonhole.

Lycopodium: (From Club Moss: protective cover for the earth; dried, burned in science class to make a volcano.) High self-esteem, resilient, adaptable, can burn brightly. When stressed or ill may become detached, distrustful of extremes (intellectual or emotional), avoids confronting problems on deeper levels of relationships.

Calcarea carbonica: (From Oyster shell) A pearl, lustrous personality (Mozart, Helen Keller), can be a very hard worker. Understands others, by nature a nurturer. When stressed or ill may become isolated, defensive, obstinate, insecure, lethargic, and inactive.

Silica Family:

Silica: (From Sand, quartz) Many facets, durable, holds to principles, conscientious. When stressed or ill may lack animal warmth, cold hands and feet, lasting exhaustion from mental exertion, hard, inflexible, critical of others and self.

Pulsatilla: (From the Wind Flower). Delightful personality, radiant, lovely in moving with the winds of events. When stressed or ill may feel blown about, changing mind, dependent on others for support. [May 2008: Has innate sense of the value of human relationships and God's plan for human society. Fairness and support are expectations, and lack of receiving these from society can be extremely distressing.]

Phosphorus: (From metallic Phosphorus, which burns brightly) Radiates a captivating energy, spontaneous and calls upon her/his strong psychic sensitivity and extrasensory perception. When stressed or ill, they may lack sustained energy to carry out their plans, and their many imagined goals may dissipate and be unrealized.

Phenotypes: Following are negative aspects of personality presentations evident under stress. These are not fixed, and can be remedied back to more balanced type in the above basic six:

"Stasis Neurosis"

"Stasis Neurosis" -- "blockage of energy from the suppressive impingement of the environment", censure from others., etc.

Sepia: (From the black ink of cuttlefish.) Overworked, exhausted, tolerates dysfunctional family ("I've got to do well"). Hides emotions. Weepy.

Staphysagria (From Stavesacre, a green plant.) Mental depression, hysteria, hypochondriasis, sexual excess or prior sexual abuse.

[NOTE formerly they theoretically classed these symptoms as being Graphites: (From graphite or black lead.) Depressed; anxious; sluggish thinking; tearful, weeping; thoughts of death. However, this has clinicaly shown to be Staphysagria]

Lachesis: (From venom of Bushmaster snake) Strong sex drive out of control if not in committed relationship. Possessive. Addictive behavior.


"Psycho-Neurosis" -- Reich's psychoneurosis: "blockage of energy stemming from internal prohibitions, termed repression".

Arsenicum: (From Arsenic oxide) Perfectionist. Overdoing things. A controlling personality. Competitive. Pride. Strict regimentation (as in healthcare program, athletics). Fears for safety, of family and self. Fatigue.

Natrum muriaticum: (From Table Salt) Sensitive, impressionable, sadness, weary from life, resentful, bears grudges, difficulty expressing emotions, fears closed spaces, does good works but fears is a failure; intense hopes and dreams.

Nux vomica : (From the "Poison Nut") "Type A" personality; driven; sensitive; feels everything strongly; capable of hard work and diligence; receptive and intelligent.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Aresenic album and Cancer

Arsenicum Album is a primary remedy for cancer and is often recommended for individuals with terminal cancer that are entering into the death process. It helps the individual confront and deal with their fear of death – feelings of being stuck in limbo, not knowing what lies ahead, not knowing what to expect, feeling terrified of the transition, afraid to let go of their life. When used appropriately, it can be a powerful tool for assisting individuals in coming to greater peace about the death process, enabling them to embrace the transition with greater spiritual centeredness.
Arsenicum Album is also of great value to individuals that have just been diagnosed with cancer and are gripped with profound fear – fear of cancer, fear that they will never get better, fear of death, fear of not having enough money to sustain the treatment, fear of not getting the needed medical care. In this state, the individual sees the cancer as being bigger than themselves and bigger than their own ability to heal themselves. They feel powerless over the cancer, seeing it as being 100 feet tall and seeing themselves as being very small.
This is not to say that the fears that come with a cancer diagnosis are not justified, but that these fears in an of themselves severely weaken the immune system of the cancer individual. By taking Arsenicum Album (when indicated), it can help the individual reconnect with a greater spiritual center, such that they see themselves and their immune system as being bigger than the cancer.
Arsenicum album may also be indicated for family members and friends that are gripped with these same types of fears – terror that their family member will die, that there are no therapies available, that the situation is out of control, that a new or different doctor is needed, that people are not taking the situation seriously enough. In these cases, Arsenicum Album can help the individual let go of some of these fears, making it easier for them to affirm the ability of their friend or family member to heal themselves.
On a physical level, Arsenicum Album helps the body release fear and tension held in the kidneys, adrenals, and nervous system. This sometimes correlates with the detoxification of the heavy metal arsenic from these areas as well.
In some cases, Arsenicum Album can be instrumental in actually turning the cancer around, arresting tumor growth and empowering the individual’s immune system to turn the disease around.

Some of the physical symptoms that are included in the profile of an individual needing Arsenicum Album are

Burning pains, better with heat (this is specific to arsenicum album – for the majority of other homeopathic remedies indicated for burning pains, the pain is better with cold application. is one of the few remedies in which the pain is better with heat.) Burning pains, felt deep within the body, burning pain in the bones, the nervous system, the digestive tract, etc Neck stiffness Craves sour foods and drinks Cold hands and feet, ice cold feeling, lack of body heat Itchy scalp Eczema, especially on the hands and on the scalp

Key mental/emotional symptoms associated with Arsenicum Album include:

Fear of death, disease, cancer Survival issues Despair of recovery Fear of poverty, that there is not enough money to support oneself, that the insurance company is being stingy, that everywhere one goes there is not enough Perfectionism, fear of making a mistake which will be severely detrimental to one’s health and/or financial situation Obsessive/compulsive, rigid behavior, ritualistic, the tremendous fear drives the individual to a strict adherence to a protocol or routine, the feeling is that if they divert from this routine, they will not survive physically and/or financially


Homeopathy is a holistic approach to health and disease, one which considers the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person in order to determine treatment. Based upon the idea that a substance which causes certain symptoms in a healthy person will treat those same symptoms in a sick person, homeopathy may be employed to heal both acute and chronic problems. Homeopathic remedies prepared specifically for the individual who is sick will often cure the problem, rather than merely alleviate the symptoms.

Frustrated with the accepted approaches to healing in his day, eighteenth-century German physician Samuel Hahnemann can be credited with developing the homeopathic system of medicine. While translating medical texts to earn extra money, he read that the bark of the cinchona tree was considered effective in treating malaria due to its bitter taste. Doubting this reasoning, he experimented on himself. Although he did not have malaria, he ate the bark. He began to develop symptoms similar to that of the disease, but these symptoms disappeared when he stopped eating the bark. He based further experiments on the premise that a substance which causes a certain reaction in a healthy person may cure a person who is sick with those symptoms. Hahnemann began researching this hypothesis with other plants and minerals. This led him to further develop his theories which now form the basis of modern homeopathy.

The correct homeopathic remedy will frequently cure a chronic condition. The goal of homeopathy is to eliminate disease and restore health, not merely manage symptoms. It can treat many common ailments such as asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, menopausal and menstrual disorders, infertility, depression, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, allergies, attention deficit disorder, eczema, fibromyalgia, chronic ear infections and just about anything that would cause a person to visit a physician.

Using the unique homeopathic approach, the individual is treated, not the specific "disease" per se. A homeopath asks questions about troublesome symptoms, and then evaluates how the individual interacts with their environment. Relevant information includes sleep patterns, foods craved, fears, the effects of weather and much more. The homeopath is trained to determine a single remedy to treat all of the individual's ailments. Determining the correct homeopathic remedy out of about 2500 possible remedies for chronic diseases requires time and skill. Different people with the same disease often require different remedies because we all express disease uniquely.

All health conditions, whether they are acute or chronic, are known to respond favorably to homeopathic medicine. More and more, people are adding homeopathy to their tools for good health.